Refund Policy and Limited Money Back Guaranty

Client, by contacting PCF, may cancel this Agreement at any time within five (5) days after signing and receive a full refund of all fees paid. Additionally, upon Client’s request, Client will be entitled to a full refund of all funds Client has paid up to the date of their request for refund if the following occurs:

If no items are removed from Client’s credit report within the first one twenty (120) days. This guaranty is only redeemable after  one twenty (120) days in the program. Refunds limited to payments made for 120 days of service only.

Additionally, if any items that PCF successfully deleted from Client’s credit report are republished by the same creditor, PCF will reinvestigate said items without any additional charge for 6 MONTHS!!

This limited guarantee applies to Clients who have completed all required terms of this Agreement and fully cooperated with all PCF requests. Certain state laws may limit or prohibit this guarantee.

PCF cannot guaranty the outcome.

Said Money Back Guaranty listed above does not apply to Clients who have been enrolled in a credit restoration program with another company within the last one hundred and eighty (180) days.

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